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December 2016

Gratitude for the Little Things & Happy Holidays!

By | Gratitude | No Comments

From all of us at Bounce-Forward Consulting Group, may this season bring you lots of joy, laughter, moments to cherish, and peace.  

The short video (link below) reminds us to not lose sight of the little things we might otherwise take for granted each day.  After all, it’s largely the little things we experience on a day-to-day basis that influence the quality of our overall being.

Enjoy & happy holidays!

The invitation:  During this crazy-busy time of year, and as you prepare for 2017, spend time each day reflecting on the things for which you are most grateful.  Don’t forget the “small stuff” that impacts the quality of your day-to-day existence.  How might these insights shape your preparations for 2017?

More than a Conversation

By | Coaching, Presence, Relationships | No Comments

I am a coach…

I don’t just listen to what you say.

I feel into the space between your words.

I look into your eyes.

I notice your energy.

I see your shape.

I lean into your emotions.

I sense your intention.

I hear what you don’t say.

I interpret your silence.

I feel you, the real you.

The one underneath the social expectations.

I call you forth to speak your truth.

I am a coach… it’s more than just a conversation.

~ Jane Warrilow ~

These are the words shared at the end of our last 2016 International Coach Federation (ICF) Chapter Board call – how appropriate as we, individually and as a team, reflect on the work we do.  As I consider not only the coaching profession but the world at large, the ability to be truly present for and with others is needed more than ever.   And, no, it’s not easy.  In the midst of our busyness, technological distractions, and competing demands, showing up fully – in body, mind and spirit – takes effort.

What would it look like if each of us, in our own special role – as parent, friend, colleague, citizen, leader, and, dare I say, politician – took time to slow down? To show up for others?  Without judgment?  Without an agenda?  Without the need to control?  No doubt the world would be a more compassionate, supportive, productive, and healthier place.

The invitation:   Consider your own relationships – at work and at home.  In what relationship(s) would being more present, open, and a better listener make a difference?   When’s the next time you might call on your “inner coach” to cultivate more than just a conversation.