Bring on the Cake (and Connections)!

By December 5, 2015Uncategorized

This month, I’m celebrating my birthday.  And, no, I’m not declaring this in the hopes of garnering attention.  On this day, more than just about any other, I’m reminded of the power and importance of relationships.  I’m reminded of the many wonderful people who make my life meaningful and joyful…who bring a sense of purpose and passion to what I do.  I’m also reminded of the power of gratitude and the importance of being present to that which we wish to cultivate more of in life.

So, on this day, I choose to be present to the many well-wishes for a good day.  At the same time, reflecting on the positive emotions that are generated through simple, often electronic, methods of connecting, I consider the impact we could make (on ourselves and others!) by connecting at a meaningful level with others on a more regular basis.

As a matter of fact, according to Gallup research, “to have a thriving day, we need six hours of social time.  When we get at least six hours of daily social time, it increases our wellbeing and minimizes stress and worry.  Just so you don’t think of that six hours of social time is unattainable in one day, it’s important to note that the six hours includes time at work, at home, on the telephone, talking to friends, sending email, and other communication.  When people have almost no social time in a given day, they have an equal chance of having a good day or bad day.  However, each hour of social time quickly decreases the odds of having a bad day.  Even three hours of social time reduces the chances of having a bad day to 10%.”  (Gallup:  Wellbeing|The Five Essential Elements)

So, on this day, I express gratitude to my family, friends, colleagues and others who have taken time to connect with me.  Know that your simple act contributes to not only my wellbeing but that of your own.

Okay, now bring on the cake and balloons!

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